Friday, July 27, 2018

Your PC Doesn’t Boot

Many of you encounter situations in which your PC becomes completely unbootable. At such situation, you should try booting your system with Windows recovery disk. However, if you do not have CD/DVD of your Windows recovery disk, then you can borrow it from someone. In case, if your PC is not even booting from the CD, then go to its setup screen and change the boot order. By doing this, the CD/DVD drive or optical drive appears before the hard drive. After this, you will get an onscreen message telling that you have to press a particular key ‘for setup’.

If your system boots, then follow the prompts. Most likely, the utility will tell you what the problem is and ask whether you want to fix it or not. You do. However, if it doesn’t ask you, or if the disk is unable to fix the problem, then you’ll find a menu with various options. You can either use Startup Repair or System Restore.  Now let’s take another case, in which your PC fails to boot before entering to set up or booting from CD, then there is some hardware problem. At such situation, you have to go to the data recovery service professional.

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