Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Applications Running Slowly

A computer slowdown that causes apps to run poorly is extremely common. However, this is not an easy fix because there are so many factors that could be contributing to the slowdown.

For example, your computer may need more RAM, or random access memory, to handle processes better.

A computer can also experience slowdown if a hard drive is full — often this is the main hard drive on which the OS is installed and runs. But a failing hard drive or one nearing the end of its life can also cause significant slowdown.

Then there’s the number of apps and processes you have running. Google Chrome, for instance, is notorious for eating up a lot of system memory and resources because it keeps so many processes open.

First, you need to pinpoint what is causing the slowdown. The best way to do this is to duplicate the problem by shutting everything down and opening apps and processes one by one.

Open the Windows Task Manager by holding CTRL+ALT+delete and then choosing the related option. The Task Manager windows will appear. Make sure you are looking at the “processes” tab. Here, you can see all the apps that are currently running on your computer.

Start shutting down the apps you have started — or even some that have automatically started — but do not close any system intensive tasks. You’ll know right away if something is system intensive because an error window will appear asking if you really want to close that process. Obviously, when that happens, you’ll want to refrain from doing so.

Once you are confident, all the user apps are no longer running. Open your apps and tools one by one and check to see if there’s slowdown. This will allow you to find the culprit.

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