Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Sharpen blurry text

Windows 8 caters for devices that have high-resolution displays. If you could zoom in, you’d see that these displays effectively have more dots. A common Windows 8 problem is when an old application isn’t able to scale itself to this resolution. When this occurs Windows jumps in to save the day by doubling the size of the interface.

Thanks, Windows! (happy tone)

The problem is that now the text is often blurry.

Thanks, Windows! (sarcastic tone)

If you would prefer a smaller interface with sharper text, follow these easy steps:
  1. Right click on the application’s shortcut
  2. Click on the “compatibility” tab
  3. Turn off “display scaling on high DPI settings”
  4. Now restart the app and enjoy sharper text.
How to sharpen blurry text in Win8

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