Monday, July 23, 2018

PC Overheating

Before we delve into the tips as how to cool down your PC, it is important to know why PC heats up and how the cooling system works.

Every PC has multiple components with moving parts that generate heat while working. CPU and GPU are the most heat generating components. The harder these components work, the more heat is generated. If this heat isn’t cooled down, then it can stop the PC from working and may damage the components as well.

Usually, computer manufacturers fit fans inside the PCs to keep the airflow going and its components cooled down. There could be multiple fans, one on the CPU, another on the GPU and more near other components. Also, on your laptop or desktop, you may have noticed one or more ventilation areas at the bottom or back, through which your PC fans ventilate the air to keep the components from heating.

So for this guide, we will assume that your PC uses fan/air cooling system to cool down the PC.

Now if your PC is heating up, there could be only two reasons for that. Either there is a problem with the cooling system, or the components are heating up to the point your PC’s cooling system can’t handle it. In this guide, we will be giving solutions to both the problems. 

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