Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Windows Media Player missing songs

Tracks missing from Windows Media Player? Try clicking Start > All Programs > Accessories. If you're using XP you should select the Command Prompt, or in Vista or Windows 7 right-click it and choose Run as Administrator.

Tracks missing from Windows Media Player? Try clicking Start > All Programs > Accessories. If you're using XP you should select the Command Prompt, or in Vista or Windows 7 right-click it and choose Run as Administrator.

Switch to the folder containing your music using the cd command (for example, cd music cd my documents\my music), then type "attrib -s *.* /d /s" and press [Enter].

Once complete, open Media Player and press [F3], or choose Tools > Advanced > Restore Media Library (in Windows 7) to access all your music again.

Switch to the folder containing your music using the cd command (for example, cd music cd my documents\my music), then type "attrib -s *.* /d /s" and press [Enter].

Once complete, open Media Player and press [F3], or choose Tools > Advanced > Restore Media Library (in Windows 7) to access all your music again.

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