Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to Deal With Hard Drive Failure

Unfortunately, hard drive failure is bound to happen eventually. As drives are used to read, write and erase files, the components inside wear down. The worst part is that there’s never usually a way to tell when it’s going to happen. Yes, you can run diagnostics on a failing drive and see signs, but when they appear, the drive could die right then and there, or it could still have months of use left.

When a hard drive fails, the only way to fix the problem is to have it replaced. You can do this yourself by buying and installing a new one, or you can take your computer to a shop — but that will be much more expensive.

The trick is to make sure your personal data is always backed up. You can do this by regularly copying or backing up files to an external or alternate hard drive. That way when the one you’re using fails, you still have the backup data to moved to your new drive.

If you do not create backups — or even don’t perform them regularly — there’s a real possibility you will lose valuable data if and when a drive fails. That can include important documents, passwords and accounts, photos, videos, media content, game saves and more.

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