Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Remove Malware

The best way to deal with malware — and prevent it — is to keep a malware tool on your computer and updated at all times. Keep in mind malware tools are separate from virus software. Sometimes a security suite will include tools that can screen for viruses and malware, but they are not the same thing.

One of the best malware tools you can find is MalwareBytes Antimalware. There is both a free and premium version, though the features do differ.

Malware can often hold your computer hostage — this is also called ransomware — or slow it down by using up system resources. Spyware is also a problem, which is similar to malware except it collects sensitive information about you like bank account numbers, passwords and more.

Malware, spyware, and viruses need to be dealt with immediately if and when you encounter them.

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