Monday, August 20, 2018

Using System Repair Software

If you have computer problems, chances are, system repair software can help you fix it. Most of these applications can repair operating system problems that lead to the Blue Screen of Death. They can also replace missing or damaged DLL files. System repair software can also free up space you need for another application, and it can optimize your computer so it runs faster. It may even identify problems you're having with applications, but it depends on the software you use and the application that's having problems.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Computer Freeze

Heat is the measure Reason for PC hardware problems. Ensure if it’s computer freeze or lockup. Generally, your computer temperature is controlled by the internal fan called the Heat Sink. Dust is another enemy of PC hardware as it sticks on motherboard and electrical components. You can control overheating by removing dust from around the internal fan.

System Error Blue Screen

Often it is seen that a blue screen appears suddenly while you are working or when you start your computer. This is usually due to either a hardware failure or a driver problem. Reinstalling the driver or correcting the hardware problem can help to solve the issue. If nothing seems to work, you should consider backing up and re-formatting your Hard Drive, then reinstalling your operating system.

RAM Faults and Errors

Whenever RAM fault occurs your monitor shows a blue screen with a memory reference like x000xxxx as a boot interruption. RAM faults cannot be prevented but you can fix them. There may be frequent PC restarts. This is due to faulty RAM chips. These Faulty RAM chips are unable to store the boot loader or NT loader file therefore the OS cannot find it and hence it shuts down all the processes, due to non-availability of the boot loader file in the RAM as a result the PC restarts again and again.

This problem can be fixed by replacing the old RAM with a new one. You must know the model compatibility of you motherboard before buying a new RAM. It may be DDR, DDR2 or DDR3. Just do it!

Liquid spilled on laptop

For some careless guys, it’s easy to spill something on the laptop and it’s stopped working. Liquid spills are very dangerous and unpredictable. If it happened, turn off the laptop ASAP, remove the battery and do not use it until all internal parts are inspected for liquid damage. It’s still possible the laptop will work again after you clean the damage.


It is a very generic problem with your computer. Your computer gets this problem by merely visiting a website. Some of the symptoms of PC viruses are strange behavior in the OS, non-responsive applications and slow performance.

However, do not get scared because the solution to this problem is not hard. You can install antivirus program in your computer to get rid of this problem.


It is the most generic computer problem. Your computer can pick spyware from just about anything. Slowdown of computer is a symptom of spyware. You may also notice some certain programs that you have never installed in your computer.

But the good thing is that you can find numerous programs in the market that can remove spyware, some of them are free as well.


It is another generic problem that infects your computer. Malware means malicious software. Worms and Trojan Horses are some of the examples of common malware. Malware often enters your computer via mail attachments.

It is really difficult to free your computer from malware. It is always suggested that you do a system restore and reinstall your operating system. You can go for program such as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for less powerful malware.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Connectivity issues

There’s nothing more frustrating than having one or more computers which refuse to connect to the internet. There are various things which could be causing this problem, as there could be issues with the router or the computer itself. IT technicians know how to troubleshoot the common problems and get you connected again in no time.


Cyber security is incredibly important for businesses, yet many are still getting caught out by sophisticated viruses and spyware. Virus removal is a task completed by IT support consultants on a regular basis. Small businesses just don’t realise the extent of the threat, or don’t spend enough on their online security measures.

Data loss and recovery

Businesses store a lot of data, but some companies don’t have sufficient back-up systems in place. That means that in the event of a power cut or if your network suddenly needs a re-start, you could lose a significant amount of important data. Data loss can be a terrible incident for any business, and it is very difficult to recover files if they are not backed up physically or digitally.


If your computer has ever unexpectedly rebooted and turned blue, or shut down without warning, you know how nerve-wracking that can be. Or, has your computer ever shut down as it's opening up, or suggested you work in "safe mode"?

Those "safe mode" messages often pop up after you accidentally turn off your computer without shutting it down. But when that happens for seemingly no reason, you may have an expensive problem on your hands.

However, you can troubleshoot this issue with a program called WhoCrashed. It scans through your computer to identify the problem, and it may suggest a solution.

If you're staring at a blue screen, you may be thinking, "There's a problem with my computer." But, according to WhoCrashed, the problem probably doesn't have anything to do with your hardware.
It may be related to your device drivers. Or it may be a problem with pieces of coding called kernel modules.

WhoCrashed will analyze your computer to find what's causing it to crash. It's easy to use and it does a thorough analysis of your computer. Note: WhoCrashed states that "the software is not guaranteed to identify the culprit in every scenario."

If it helps you, great. If not, you should make sure your device drivers are up to date. If that doesn't help, you may need to contact a professional computer repair person.

Computer keeps restarting

Computer keeps restarting is also a dual problem. It may be happened because of windows update or antivirus problem. Or it can be your motherboard, graphics card or network card drivers. 1st check your windows update and antivirus. If there is no problem with windows or antivirus than it should be caused for hardware.

Getting things going again

OK, this might sound obvious, but one of the easiest things you can do to get your computer working better is to restart it.

How many times have you spent hours trying to figure out what was causing a computer problem, only to have the IT guy fix it by rebooting? No, your IT guy does not have the "magic touch". What's really happening is that sometimes computer problems are temporary. When you restart your computer it clears its memory and reruns program startups.

Something important to note here is that sometimes the problem you're having won't allow you to restart your computer properly. For example, if your computer freezes, you won't be able to restart without pressing the Power button down and holding it until your computer shuts off.

This is sometimes referred to as a "Hard Reboot," and although it's not ideal, it is essentially the same thing as restarting.

Another thing you can do that's really easy is clearing out your browser's cache. This won't fix every problem, but it does help by giving you a blank canvas to work with.

The process is very easy. Every browser has a different method, but here's how you can do it in Chrome. Go into your browsing history, then click the button at the top that says,"Clear browsing data".

Of course, if these simple fixes don't help, then you might have a bigger problem to worry about. It could also be caused because your computer needs a cleanup.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Pop-up ads and odd messages

Running into a pop-up ad while you're surfing used to be a serious annoyance, but modern browsers include pop-up protection to keep these annoyances away on most sites. If you're still seeing regular pop-ups on more than one site, it could just be a badly-configured browser.

However, if pop-ups are coming at you when your browser isn't even open, it's likely you have a virus. This is especially true if the pop-ups advertise some magic cure-all to your "virus woes."
If you are bombarded with pop-up ads, first run a scan with anti-spyware software to double-check. I like SpyBot Search & Destroy because it digs deep into your settings to find any problems spyware has left behind.

Most viruses have one goal in mind once they infect your computer: to spread the virus as far as possible. An easy way to do that is to send messages to as many of your friends as possible in hopes they'll get infected, too.

These messages can show up anywhere. The virus might try to send out spam through your email account. It could take control of your Facebook or Twitter and send out spam, too. In almost all cases, it will include a link or attachment to the virus somewhere in the post.

Keep an eye on your email's "sent" folder and on your social network posts. If you notice emails and posts that you don't remember sending or posting, it's likely that you have a virus. Here is what you need to know to take your account back.

Basic hardware troubleshooting

A computer that freezes both in normal mode and Safe Mode or with another operating system, can often indicate a problem with your computer's hardware. It could be your hard drive, an overheating CPU, bad memory or a failing power supply. In some cases, it might also be your motherboard, although that's a rare occurrence.

Usually, with a hardware problem, the freezing will start out sporadically, but increase in frequency as time goes on. Or it will trigger when the computer is working hard, but not when you're doing more basic things. Fortunately, you can run some checks and see if that's the case.

Use a program like CrystalDiskInfo to check your hard drive's S.M.A.R.T. data for signs of impending failure. A program like SpeedFan can tell you if your computer processor is overheating, or if the voltages are fluctuating, which might be a problematic power supply.

If you want to go more in-depth, you can grab a diagnostic CD like FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD. It has plenty of other tools for checking out your computer, including MemTest for putting a strain on your computer's RAM to see if it's working OK.